Frequently Asked Questions:
Why should I give?
We recognize and are grateful for the hard work that you do every day to contribute to the success of Corewell Health. In addition to funding many of the programs that benefit team members at Corewell Health, donations are also vital to expanding clinical services, research and development, and providing patient and family support. Many of our programs and services would not be possible without your generosity. Gifts from our team members are particularly powerful because they demonstrate that those closest to our mission are personally investing back into their organization. When team members contribute financially, they are setting an example that makes community members more likely to give as well.
Can I give directly from my paycheck(s)?
Yes, payroll-deducted gifts are designed to provide you with a giving option that can be spread out over time. You may decide to stop your giving, change the amount or select a different program to give to at any time. Simply contact the Corewell Health Foundation office for more information.
If I make a recurring gift, when does it stop?
When you sign up to make a recurring gift, your donation will make an impact on the program or service area of your choice, as long as you want to continue giving. You can stop payment at any time by reaching out to the Corewell Health Foundation office.
What if I am already giving each pay period?
If you give each pay period, filling out the payroll deduction form now will update your contribution preferences starting January of the next calendar year. If you would like to keep your contributions the same, there is no need to take any action.
What if I give by payroll deduction, but want to make a one-time gift?
If you would like to make an additional gift above and beyond your payroll deductions, you can use our one-time credit card form by clicking here.